Difference in System attributes - MDM SaaS(C360) vs Multi-Domain MDM

The Informatica C360 SaaS solution is equipped with a pre-defined data model that includes both system and business attributes. On the other hand, in the case of an on-prem Multi-domain MDM solution, the data model is defined by the customer or business user. Despite this difference, the storage of source level attribute information remains the same, with only the system columns being updated.

MDM C360 SaaS MultiDomain-MDM
Business Id Rowid_Object
Created By CREATOR
Created on Create_Date
Last Updated By Updated_By
Last Updated Date Last_Update_Date
Source Primary Key Pkey_Src_Object
Source System Rowid_System
Record State Hub_State_Ind
Consolidation State Consolidation_Ind

What values does Record state Holds:

Status Description
ACTIVE Status when a new record is loaded into MDM
READY_FORE_REVIEW Status when a record is created and sent for task approval
INACTIVE Status when a record is merged with other record
DELETED Status when a record is soft deleted from UI/API

What values does Consolidate state Holds

Status Description
MATCH_DIRTY Indicates that the source record is a new record that did not undergo the match process
MATCH_INDEXED Indicates that the record is indexed and can be matched.
The indexing results in match candidates that are used during the match process.
MATCHED Indicates that the record is matched and ready to be merged
CONSOLIDATED Indicates that the source record is merged, determined to be unique,
and represents the best version of truth.
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