Informatica MDM - Truncate or Delete Base Object table Data

Curious about how to remove or purge data from the Base Object table in Informatica MDM using SIF and Shell script? Here's a quick guide! First, use the SIF API to identify and mark records for deletion. Then, run a Shell script to execute the purge process based on your specifications. Want to dive deeper? Let’s explore the steps together!

The Service Integration Framework (SIF) provides the "CleanTable" API, which allows for the deletion or truncation of the entire Base Object in the Operation Reference Store (ORS). In the following section, we will explore the process of accomplishing this task using a shell script

Sample Shell Script:
# Author: Prasad J
# Date Created: 10/14/2021
# Purpose: - clean the BO table 
# Cleane Bo Table - C_BO_PRTY 
curl -m 60 --header "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8" --header "SOAPAction:urn:siperian.api/Soap/cleanTable" --data "@Bo_prty.xml" --url http://hostname:8080/cmx/services/SifService
Modify the attributes according to your environment setup.

@Bo_prty.xml file:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:siperian.api">
True - Removes the rows in the staging tables and the dependent tables
False - Retains the rows in the staging tables and the dependent tables

True -  Uses the TRUNCATE statement, which functions faster, to remove the records
False - Uses the DELETE statement, which functions slower, to remove the records

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