What is a Business Entity?
Business Entity is a tree of nodes where each node represents Base Object in the MDM Hub. To better understand lets look into the below example.
In this context, "Person" serves as the root node within the tree, symbolizing the C_PARTY Base Object. Likewise, Address, Email, and Phone correspond to C_ADDRESS, C_PARTY_ELECT_ADDR, and C_PARTY_PHONE, respectively.
It is evident from the information provided that there is no direct relationship between Person and Address; rather, they are linked through an intermediary table, namely Party Address Rel (C_RL_PARTY_ADDRESS).
Prior to establishing the Business entity, it is essential to ensure that these Base Objects are properly defined in the Hub Console. The accompanying snapshot illustrates the column-level details for these Base Object tables, as this information is necessary for the creation of fields in the Provision tool for the Business entity.
Step 1:-
Login to Provisioning Tool:-
Step 2:-
Select the Modeling under Business Entity dropdown
Step 3:-
Click Business Entity > Modeling, and then select Business Entities
Step 4:-
Give the name and fill the basic information like Name, Label, Description etc., and assign the Base object which is root node for the Business Entity.
Step 5:
- Select the
Fields section and click on the create button to create the fields for root node.
Step 6:-
Let's create "First_Name" field for C_PARTY table.
Step 7:-
Similarly create rest of the fields(
Middle, Last Name, birth date,Party Type) for C_PARTY Table.
Step 8:-Please proceed to establish additional child tables or nodes for the root node, specifically the C_PARTY table. The relationship between the Party and the other tables is characterized as One to Many, in accordance with the Data Model design. Therefore, it is necessary to create these child tables within the One to Many section as illustrated below.
Step 9:-
For Address -To establish a relationship with the Party, an Intermediate table is required for the Address. Therefore, the first step is to create the "C_RL_PARTY_ADDRESS" table to facilitate a one-to-many relationship, followed by the creation of the "C_ADDRESS" table to support a one-to-one relationship.
Step 10:-The establishment of Lookup fields
In this instance, the C_PARTY table contains a column (GENDER_CD) that references the Lookup table "C_LU_GENDER." Therefore, navigate to the Lookup Fields section and proceed to create a lookup column as illustrated below.
Final Step:
Publish your changes.
Note: There is no need to create system columns, as they will be automatically generated upon publishing your changes to the repository. You can confirm your modifications in the "c_repos_co_cs_config" table, where the configuration is stored in BLOB format as XML.